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September 28, 2017 4 min read

Now say that post title 10 times fast.... ;) 

Pinecone Home Paint State Picture Frames for Pinterest

Tongue twister aside, we want to show you 7 Easy Ways to Personalize a Pinecone Home Ready to Paint State Shaped Picture Frame. Techniques shown include ombre, plaid, stars, home stickers, shabby chic, racing stripe and checkerboard inspired.

Supplies needed for all 7 techniques: Spray paint, painters tape, stickers, sandpaper

All of these projects were done without the glass inserts which can be easily removed. If leaving the natural brown of the frame exposed, we recommend sealing it with clear spray paint to avoid bleeding. 

Pinecone Home Ready to Paint States

How to paint ombre:

We were inspired by colors of the ocean for our California ombre blue. We decided to go with white, medium blue, navy and black for a 4 tone look. 

Step 1: Spray white, focusing on the top part that will remain white

Pinecone Home California Picture Frame Ombre Painting White

Step 2: After white is dry, spray blue, starting at bottom of frame and working up to meet white. Just a light mist over the white border makes for a gentle transition. 

Pinecone Home California Picture Fame Ombre Blue Step

Step 3: Spray navy starting from bottom of frame and gradually moving faster and spraying farther away for a less solid look as you move towards next color. 

Step 4: Spray the bottom portion black using the same technique. 

Voila! Ombre! 

Pinecone Home Ombre Painted Picture Frame

Texas Stars: 

We know Jerry Jones wouldn't want us to directly copy his football team logo, but we used the same color scheme and a pack of sticker stars to decorate a Texas shaped picture frame. Great gift for a Cowboys fan or astronomer. 

Step 1: Paint frame silver

Pinecone Home painting Texas frame silver

Step 2: Once dry, apply star stickers. Press down firmly. 

Pinecone Home Texas stickers

Step 3: Spray navy over stickers

Pinecone Home Texas painting over star stickers

Step 4: Once dry, peel stickers to reveal the silver below. This took the help of a sharp edge. Some of those stickers did not want to budge! 

Pinecone Home Texas peeling star stickers

Here's the final frame:

Pinecone Home Texas Star Stickers Navy Silver

 Plaid Wisconsin:

Red and black plaid are a classic combination, and it seemed like a good fit for Wisconsin- I can imagine a wool blanket in this pattern on the laps of a Badgers fan. 

Step 1: Paint frame red

Pinecone Home Wisconsin  spraying red

Step 2: Once dry, tape off horizontal stripes. We used the wide tape with the narrow tape as a spacer between the lines to stay straight. 

Pinecone Home Wisconsin tape first round

Step 3: Paint black. We tried to make this like a gingham or buffalo plaid where part of it is translucent and other parts more solid. We went a little heavy on the black, especially at the top. Next time I might do gray for one of the layers. 

Pinecone Home Wisconsin spraying first round of black

Step 4: Peel tape.

Pinecone Home Wisconsin plaid layer one

Step 5: Tape in opposite direction. We picked some wide and some skinny stripes. 

Pinecone Home Wisconsin tape 2nd round

Step 6: Spray black. We went for a solid black this round. 

Pinecone Home Wisconsin spraying 2nd round

Step 7: Peel tape. 

Pinecone Home Wisconsin peeling tape

This was definitely my favorite. 

Pinecone Home Wisconsin Plaid



Tennessee Checkerboard Inspired:

We are big college football fans, and have some friends who are TennesseeVols fans so we set out to make a checkerboard pattern like the one used in the end zone at Neyland Stadium. 

Checkerboard Neyland Stadium- Photo by Chattanooga Times Free Press

Photo credit: Chattanooga Times Free Press

Step 1: Paint frame white. 

Step 2: After frame is dry, cover with painters tape in grid pattern. Make sure to press tape down firmly for crisp edges. 

Pinecone Home taping Tennessee checkerboard

Step 3: Spray orange. 

Pinecone Home painting Tennessee orange

Step 4: Peel tape.

This is where we miscalculated....we only did the grid once and only estimated the placement. We should have make sure the grid was EXACTLY one square wide and then do the grid another time before painting. We decided to stop and call it "checkerboard inspired" since doing the grid another time wouldn't result in perfect squares. 

Pinecone Home Tennessee checkerboard inspired

Racing Stripe Louisiana:

You can tell we are college football fans with our purple and yellow color choice for the Louisianaframe. This was a lot simpler than the plaid of checkerboard- just a diagonal stripe.

Step 1: Paint yellow over middle of frame

Pinecone Home painting yellow Louisiana

Step 2: Once dry, lay tape across yellow. Press down tightly.

Pinecone Home taping off stripe on Louisiana

Pinecone Home pressing tape firmly

Step 3: Spray purple over entire frame.

Pinecone Home spraying purple

Step 4: Peel tape to reveal stripe.

Pinecone Home Louisiana Racing Stripe Frame

Home on North Carolina

Makes for a great gift for a friend missing home or just proud of their home state. We decided to do the text in black and the frame in white. 

Step 1: Paint section of frame with where stickers will go black.

Pinecone Home painting North Carolina black

 Step 2: After black paint is dry, place stickers and press down firmly.  


Pinecone Home placing stickers on frame

Step 3: Spray white over black. This required 2 coats. 

Step 4: Peel stickers to reveal black text. 

This might have worked better with white letters and black frame, but still turned out pretty cool. Next time I'd try spelling out a vacation destination, names and year for a wedding gift, or someone's name. 

Pinecone Home North Carolina with Home stickers

Shabby Chic Rustic Ohio

Step 1: Paint frame or purchase pre painted black or white frame from Pinecone Home where the edges would come painted, too. 

Pinecone Home white Ohio

Step 2: After frame is completely dry, take sandpaper (I used 150 grit) and sand on edges and across surface. 

Pinecone Home sanding Ohio

Tip: go in 1 direction for a more uniform look. 

That's it! Super simple!

Pinecone Home Shabby Chic Ohio