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June 25, 2021 1 min read

How to Paint a USA Picture Frame: 


  • Ready to Paint picture frame from Pinecone Home:
  • Painters Tape
  • Star stickers
  • Spray Paint
  • Newspaper or a few pieces of scrap paper
  • Cardboard box to spray on

Step 1: Paint base white coat. Painting the edges is optional. 

Pinecone Home Paint a USA Frame

Step 2: Tape off blue section and place star stickers

Pinecone Home Paint a USA Frame

Step 3: Cover area you don't want blue to get on

Pinecone Home Paint a USA Frame

Step 4: Spray blue over the stars

Pinecone Home Paint a USA Frame

Step 5: Peel up cross piece of tape on edge of blue, tape stripes and cover blue area

Pinecone Home Paint a USA Frame

Note: We messed up and got ahead of ourselves and taped the stripes before painting blue and forgot to peel up piece edging the blue resulting in a gap between areas

 Pinecone Home USA Frame

 Step 6: Paint red over stripes

Pinecone Home USA Frame

Step 7: Let dry for 10-15 minutes then peel stars

Pinecone Home USA Frame

Step 8: Peel stripes

Pinecone Home USA Frame

Note: This is where we realized our mistake in not removing the cross piece before taping the stripes. Kayla covered everything but the white stripe, put down a few stickers and painted that section blue. Sorry, we were too flustered for photos!

Pinecone Home USA Frame

Final product: 

Pinecone Home USA Frame

 For more tips and tutorials on how to paint a frame visit: